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asked January 19th 2014

Sunken chocolate cake

I follow recipe to letter, weigh ingredients carefully, use an oven thermometer, do not open oven door , use invecta tin but it always sinks. It starts off raising evenly when I check through window of oven door but it always sinks before cooking time is complete. I have tried at least 20 cakes and I’ve only had it right once. When I see Paul’s lovely evenly baked cakes I could cry, what am I dooming wrong. I only use quality ingredients.


I follow recipe to letter, weigh ingredients carefully, use an oven thermometer, do not open oven door , use invecta tin but it always sinks. It starts off raising evenly when I check through window of oven door but it always sinks before cooking time is complete. I have tried at least 20 cakes and I’ve only had it right once. When I see Paul’s lovely evenly baked cakes I could cry, what am I dooming wrong. I only use quality ingredients.


Hi Tonimank

Some members have reduced the sugar amount and found it works better for them. Have a look here http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/pauls-moist-chocolate-cake-my-feed-back/page/5 scroll down to the answer given by member Michell who reduced the sugar down to 450g. There are many more hints and tips throughout that thread.


Hi, Tried baking the cake yesterday using the exact ingredients, unfortunately it sank in the middle. Tried again today as needed the cake for my grand-daughter’s birthday with great success. This time I used extra large eggs as the large eggs just didn’t seem enough and reduced the baking soda by 1/3. I baked in a 10inch square tin and watched the temperature of the oven very closely. I also double lined a heavy pan with greaseproof on the inside as well as the outside. Don’t know whether the success is down to reducing the baking soda or using larger eggs. Maybe it would be better if instead of saying use 6 large eggs an actual precise metric measurement is used. If the recipe had not worked out this time would not have done it again as it is very expensive, hopefully tastes devine.x


Hi lindarodger

Thank you for this great feed back! It’s possible it was the size of eggs. I don’t know about you but I keep thinking how small eggs have become. The large eggs we buy in supermarkets appear to be what used to be medium so yes, I also think a precise metric measurment for eggs would be more accurate. The extra large eggs probably helped build the structure of the cake better. Luckily I haven’t had any problems with the recipe, keep fingers crossed that I won’t in the future as the ingredients are pretty expensive. The cake is delicious though and worth making. Yours will taste devine, can’t wait to hear the verdict!! x


Mine also sinks and has broken up when I have tried to carve it? I was going to give up on making this, I have never had this problem with any other cakes 🙁


Hello ellahavell

Please have a look at the following thread for some helpful hints and tips for a successful bake:

‘Paul’s moist chocolate cake’ My feed back

As you will read, some members have reduced the sugar which has helped with the sinking problem. Member lindarodger has given a useful answer above which you may also find helpful

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