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Suppport Head Bust.
I would like to know how I could make the following 3d spiderman cake bust – https://www.howtocookthat.net/public_html/3d-spiderman-cake-tutorial/comment-page-1/#comment-209451.
The problem is I need to make the head out of cake and therefore I would appreciate some guidance on this matter.
For the cake structure would I need a wooden/metal pole with a round cake drum cut to size to suport the head, similar to the “Rudolph the Reindeer Cake” tutorial? If so, how would the chin area be supported as this part will not be touching the body of the cake and infact it will be leaning forward, i.e. standing by itself?
Thank you.
I would like to know how I could make the following 3d spiderman cake bust – https://www.howtocookthat.net/public_html/3d-spiderman-cake-tutorial/comment-page-1/#comment-209451.
The problem is I need to make the head out of cake and therefore I would appreciate some guidance on this matter.
For the cake structure would I need a wooden/metal pole with a round cake drum cut to size to suport the head, similar to the “Rudolph the Reindeer Cake” tutorial? If so, how would the chin area be supported as this part will not be touching the body of the cake and infact it will be leaning forward, i.e. standing by itself?
Thank you.
I should have sent this url http://artisancakecompany.com/store/#!/Spiderman-Cake-Tutorial/p/51367242/category=12556051
Hi SkyCakes
Liz Mareks tutorial doesn’t really show an awful lot to be of help. However, there is a Storm Trooper all cake tutorial in youtube which could be very easily adapted. Have a peek at it here:
It just needs a little tweeking to get the shape of the head right. What do think? I hope it helps. let me know 🙂
Thank you.
You’re welcome SkyCakes, was it of any help? I hope it was. 🙂