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asked February 26th 2016

Swimming pool cake

Hi has anyone made a swimming pool cake? How deep should I make the pool bit to make it look realistic? And what would you recommend to use to make the rope bits for the lanes as I will be using piping gel for the pool and don’t want it to sink to much in to that any help would be great as I’m a newbie ?


Hi has anyone made a swimming pool cake? How deep should I make the pool bit to make it look realistic? And what would you recommend to use to make the rope bits for the lanes as I will be using piping gel for the pool and don’t want it to sink to much in to that any help would be great as I’m a newbie ?


hi Woodycakes, just managed to catch Paul. He suggests 1″ – 1.5″ deep in piping gel and for the lane separators some thin spaghetti with tiny sugarpaste balls fed through. Hope this helps. Kind regards David


Thanks that great help !


Hi woodyscakes

Piping gel doesn’t dry solid. If you’d like to use an alternative ingredient have a look at recipes using gelatine or jello. Google ‘how to make a swimming pool cake’ to see loads of recipes. G’d luck with your project!


So could I use clear gelatine with blue food colouring? What would look more realistic gelatine or piping gel you think I really want this cake to look good I’m going to start the starter blocks tomo for practise out of gum paste.


Yes gelatine can be coloured. Lots of information in the following forums:

The best thing to do is make some coloured gelatine up and see whether you like it. Gelatine is a meat by -product so will not be good for vegetarian guests.


So I finished the swimming pool turned out great well I think so anyway ? Thanks for all the tips and help guys your all stars xx


Well done woodyscakes, what did you use, was it the piping gel or was it the gelatine? x


I made my own piping gel in the end was pleased with the results 1st for everything. X


Great job! It’s a lovely feeling when Ists for everything come to a very satisfactory conclusion 🙂 x


Woodyscakes I am about to do a swimming pool also. Can you tell me did you line the swimming pool with blue fondant or was the blue in the piping gel enough to colour the water. I was thinking of overing whole cake in white and then using blue piping gel. any thoughts please.. 🙂


oh also how thick did you have the piping gel? I need to have some legs sticking our for a synchonised swimmer


Hi tarnsmith

Please scroll up and see David Brice’s answer for depth of piping gel. You can make a lining or just colour up the piping gel for making blue water. A word of caution, piping gel takes colour very efficiently so add a little at a time until desired colour is reached.

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