Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked September 29th 2021

The Recipe Calculator

I’m a little confused about the height reference in the recipe calculator. The recipe I’m using is designed for 3, 8-inch, round pans that, generally bake up to 2-inches each. So, is the correct entry 6-inches? I’d like to calculate the recipe up to bake a 14-inch round cake of 3 layers. Thank you for any clarification.


I’m a little confused about the height reference in the recipe calculator. The recipe I’m using is designed for 3, 8-inch, round pans that, generally bake up to 2-inches each. So, is the correct entry 6-inches? I’d like to calculate the recipe up to bake a 14-inch round cake of 3 layers. Thank you for any clarification.



It depends on how deep you want your finished cake to be.

On total ingredients for 3 x 2 inch cakes select the 6 inch deep and divide the mixture into your 3 pans.

Bear in mind, additional height will be created by two layers of filling and covering.



Thank you for your reply. I appreciate the clarification.

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