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tiered cake sizes
I am making a Christening cake for my Grandaughter and I am doing a two tier cake and using a 12 inch round cake for the bottom what size tin should I use for second tier?
kind regards
Joanne Barnett
I am making a Christening cake for my Grandaughter and I am doing a two tier cake and using a 12 inch round cake for the bottom what size tin should I use for second tier?
kind regards
Joanne Barnett
Hi Joanne
Traditionally tiers graduate either in odd or even sizes eg 11, 9, 7 or 12, 8, 6 or any size combinations depending on how many people are to be served. The amount of servings would on depend whether you are making sponge cakes or fruit cakes. If you don’t want to stick to the traditional arrangements that’s fine too! Have a look at David’s portions chart to see how many pieces you’ll need for your guests. The accompanying blog also makes good reading. See them both here: http://www.cakeflix.com/how-to-decide-on-the-cake-portions
If you need any more infromation please do post again.