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asked May 7th 2013

Toffee cake recipes

Has anybody tried the two toffee cake recipes that Catherine and dreamtimecakes had posted. Also in the dreamtimecake recipe do you add 50g more flour to compensate for leaving out the cocoa powder. Does anyone have a recipe for an oil base vanilla sponge suitable for carving as I find butter sponges are very crumbly. Would be grateful thanks.


Has anybody tried the two toffee cake recipes that Catherine and dreamtimecakes had posted. Also in the dreamtimecake recipe do you add 50g more flour to compensate for leaving out the cocoa powder. Does anyone have a recipe for an oil base vanilla sponge suitable for carving as I find butter sponges are very crumbly. Would be grateful thanks.


It’s here Twingo http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/toffee-cake.


Hi nigel-mellon

I’ve read through all the comments for the toffee cake recipes if you search ‘Toffee cake’. Some members have had good results with them. I wonder whether you realised there are two pages of comments which will give you abetter idea of the results. The coco powder you mentioned would have to be replaced with equivalent weight in flour. There is a recipe on the site for oil based vanilla cupcakes, I’ve searched for it but unfortunately can’t find at the moment. However if you search in google, there are a couple of olive oil sponge recipes so I suppose you could use vegetable oil instead. I’ve read in some forums that oil can be substituted for the same amount of butter I’ve never tried it so can’t comment whether it is possible. I’m sorry I can’t be more help if I find something appropriate I’ll post.


Thanks for your feedback ,might try them both and see how I get on. Sorry I seem to ask a lot of questions I’m just try to get a good recipe base as I quite new to baking these sort of cakes.


Please don’t apologise for asking questions, that’s what Q & A is for. We are all learning from one another. x


Hi, I have made the toffee cake that Catherine posted many times and it turns out just perfect every time and is a dream to cut 🙂


Thanks for the feedback alisonwarn I’m going to try that recipe this evening could you tell me if you use plain flour or self raising just I see no raising agent in the recipe and 6 or 7 eggs. Cheers


Hi Ive just experimented with Paul’s Choco cake turning it into a toffee cake and then just saw this posting I’ve been looking and cant find the recipe…sorry could somebody give me the link I would love to give it a go


don’t know if you know this, but i think there will be a tutorial soon from Mrs Jones on a toffee cake…watch this space…. it got filmed the other day…

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