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asked August 15th 2014

Tower cake

My friend would like to have a fruit cake base cake and a chocolate tower. Would I marzipan the fruit cake and ganache the chocolate cake before covering with fondant?


My friend would like to have a fruit cake base cake and a chocolate tower. Would I marzipan the fruit cake and ganache the chocolate cake before covering with fondant?


Hello Vonny

Please could you say which cake you mean. I don’t want to give you mis- information.

If it’s the chocolate wrap cake all you need do is give the fruit cake a thin covering of marzipan and let it dry overnight. This is just to give the cake a smooth surface so it can be ganached nicely. If the rest of the cakes are sponge they just have to be ganached as seen in all Paul’s tutorials then wrapped with the cocoaform. Paul doesn’t cover this type of cake with fondant, just ganache.

If you mean the vintage pearl cake then yes you do need to either marzipan the fruit cake or, if you don’t like marzipan, a thin covering of fondant to give the cake a smooth base covering. Leave it to rest and dry overnight before covering with the final layer of fondant. The chocolate cakes have to be ganached as shown in the tutorial and then enrobed with fondant. Hope this helps, let me know please if I have right.

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