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asked August 9th 2016

Travelling with ganached cakes

Hi. I’m just wondering whether a cake would survive several hours travelling in a car if it was just ganached (no fondant)?


Hi. I’m just wondering whether a cake would survive several hours travelling in a car if it was just ganached (no fondant)?


Hi Sian

From personal experience, I find as long as the vehicle is kept very cool before and durng the journey, ganached cakes hold up well. Ganache is pretty stable but it does depend really where you are located, I’ve never encountered problems here in the UK. If you have aircon in the vehicle turn it on full blast before you start and keep it going all the way to your destination. Wear a cardigan so you don’t freeze!


Thanks 🙂


Hi MIWL just to bring you an update. The camera cake survived the three hour car journey; as did I with the aircon on full blast! . I’d taken with me a cool box, some freezer packs and a fan to keep the cake cool for 2-3 days in a spare room before presenting it..My son-in-law came up with a brilliant idea for keeping the cake cool in the hot weather without putting it in the fridge….put it in the oven! We put the cake in its box and placed it in the microwave/oven with the ice packs wrapped in tea towels and put into plastic bags and placed around the cake box. We replaced the ice packs each morning. With such a small area to keep cool it worked brilliantly!
After the cake was cut and photos taken we popped it in a plastic box and kept it in the fridge (also for experimental purposes.) The icing did go tacky but did not slip or ooze and still tasted good.


Hi Barbara

How kind of you to update your adventure. I’m so pleased everything worked out and your tips will be a great reference for other members. Thank you! 🙂


You helped me along the way MIWL with your advice. It helped me stay calm knowing there was someone i could ask a question and get a quick reply to. Thank you.


You’re welcome Barbara. It all comes with a little experience and you’ll be doing the same for someone else x

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