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Trouble with a plaque
It’s me again! I’ve made a large plaque to go on the top tier of my cake, I dried the modelling paste over the dummy cake to make sure I got a good fit, however I had to take it off and dry it on kitchen roll so as to be able to cover the cake dummy, it’s now dried and when I put it against the cake, there’s now quite a gap, my question is, should I warm it up with a hair dryer or over a kettle and gently see if it will bend to get it back into shape or just use more royal icing to stick it to the cake dummy. I don’t want to risk breaking it
It’s me again! I’ve made a large plaque to go on the top tier of my cake, I dried the modelling paste over the dummy cake to make sure I got a good fit, however I had to take it off and dry it on kitchen roll so as to be able to cover the cake dummy, it’s now dried and when I put it against the cake, there’s now quite a gap, my question is, should I warm it up with a hair dryer or over a kettle and gently see if it will bend to get it back into shape or just use more royal icing to stick it to the cake dummy. I don’t want to risk breaking it
Oh nooo!! that’s so awful for you. If it was mine I would place it the microwave on a very low heat for a second at a time until the gumpaste gives a little. You could also try the hair drier, just don’t get to close because the sugar will begin to burn. Steam will probably soften it however it will also make it go shiny. Have you tried rubbing it with the warmth of your hands? or have you managed to find a solution. If you have please do share what worked. x
Thank you, I’ve managed to get it to be a fairly good fix by warming it with my hot sticky hands, good job it’s not being eaten! I will have to wait and see though if it starts to open up again also I’ll put just a little extra royal icing to attach just to cover any gaps
Good idea of your’s to put a little royal icing down as glue to keep it in place. I’m so pleased the plaque didn’t break. Well salvaged! 🙂