Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked June 19th 2016


Hi, I’ve been asked to make a Jurassic world cake, was thinking of a making a T. rex on a stand similar to your friendly dragon cake, but as it would be standing on 2 legs was wondering if it was possible to take the weight of the body and head and how the stand would work and quite viscous looking opening his mouth, do you have any ideas ? Thanks Emma .


Hi, I’ve been asked to make a Jurassic world cake, was thinking of a making a T. rex on a stand similar to your friendly dragon cake, but as it would be standing on 2 legs was wondering if it was possible to take the weight of the body and head and how the stand would work and quite viscous looking opening his mouth, do you have any ideas ? Thanks Emma .


Hi Emma

Try this as a guide: http://cakesandcookiesbyandrea.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/t-rex-cake-3d-tutorial.html
Have a peek in google images for others which may also interest you. There’s some really good large scale models made of rice krispie treats. You may be able adapt and utilise the armatures for cake.
Alternatively have a look at Paul’s black hero dog tutorial and also the Westie dog tutorial. Both can be adapted.

Hope this helps.

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