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uncooked cake batter
Hi, can you make a batch of sponge cake batter (Mrs Jones recipe) and keep it in the fridge till ready to use?
Hi, can you make a batch of sponge cake batter (Mrs Jones recipe) and keep it in the fridge till ready to use?
Thanks, I did actually make a cake about 5 hours after batter was mixed as I had no choice, and it did rise although a bit unevenly, tasted fine though.! I won’t do it from choice but at least it was reasonable.
Hi ruthmac
I wouldn’t recommend it because any leavening in the batter will be activated and fizzle out preventing the cake from rising. Refrigeration might retard the activation a little but the rise will be affected.
Take a peek for at similar qestion here: http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/left-over-cake-batter
That’s great feed back ruthmac. Thank you for taking the time to post your results as this will help other members who have a similar query. Glad your cake was of a reasonable standard. 🙂 x