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asked May 19th 2016

Uncovered ganached cake

I’m making a chocolate cake for my grandson and won’t be covering the ganache in fondant, my question is do I still go around the cake with the pastry brush or not as I want it to have the smooth look.
Thank you x


I’m making a chocolate cake for my grandson and won’t be covering the ganache in fondant, my question is do I still go around the cake with the pastry brush or not as I want it to have the smooth look.
Thank you x


Hello Diane

If you can get a smooth look by taking the ganache off with the scraper and you’re happy with the result, there would be no need to use the wet pastry brush. The brushing just helps to even out any blemishes and fill in any slightly exposed areas. I would suggest giving a good last coat of ganache, let it set and fill in any bumpy bits with small amounts of ganache. A warm pallet knife or scraper will help smooth away fillings.

Hope this helps. x


Thank you madeitwithlove x


You’re welcome Diane, hope all goes well with you grandson’s cake. x

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