Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked July 4th 2015

United States currency

I need to know what the US dollar amount. I sign up for the year for the one next to pro, how much more money for the pro ( US dollar amount )

Patricia M Holcomb


I need to know what the US dollar amount. I sign up for the year for the one next to pro, how much more money for the pro ( US dollar amount )

Patricia M Holcomb


Hi PatsyMae

For membership options in US dollars take a peek here:

Membership Options USD

If you need more help or information please contact the site here:

Hope this helps.


Hi, I always keep
in my favorites
it converts very quickly british pounds to us dollars- just put in the amount and it gives you our dollar amount. There will always be times when you will want to know prices as you go thru the courses as you are given places where you could purchase items to compare prices, etc you will want to know.

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