Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A
up loading photo of finished cake
Hi…i made a camera cake inspired by Paul’s tutorial. Although not perfect i would love you to see the finished cake. Not sure how to up load here or the website.
Hi…i made a camera cake inspired by Paul’s tutorial. Although not perfect i would love you to see the finished cake. Not sure how to up load here or the website.
Hi Barbara
You can put your lovely cake on Paul’s facebook, he loves seeing what everyone is making. Here’s the link:
Well done, I know you’ve worked hard on it. x
How long can you leave a ganached cake un-iced? And should it be kept in the fridge, if so should it be covered or uncovered? Thanks
Hi Ail
It depends on the shelf life of the cake. Most home baked cakes have a shelf life of approximately 5 days, madeira cake from the sponge variety has the longest, again depending on the recipe. Some chocolate mud cakes will do better than other. Take a peek at discussions here: http://www.cakeflix.com/questions?s=shelf+life
All the threads have useful information but if you want, just click on the ones most relevant to you. There is information on glycerine within the threads which you may find interesting.
Hope this helps.