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using Kelloggs Rice Krispie Squares
Hi Ive watched Paul use the kelloggs rice krispie square bars to make a part of a bear on a tutorial. Just wondered if you pop them in the microwave do they become malleable? Has anyone else done this? I don’t really have time to make my own – & theyre on offer at the supermarket at the moment. I’ll need them to make a dog head for a cake I’m doing in a few weeks so will need to build a muzzle up etc.
Ive had a quick look on previously asked questions but cant find this particular one..
Thanks in advance
Hi Ive watched Paul use the kelloggs rice krispie square bars to make a part of a bear on a tutorial. Just wondered if you pop them in the microwave do they become malleable? Has anyone else done this? I don’t really have time to make my own – & theyre on offer at the supermarket at the moment. I’ll need them to make a dog head for a cake I’m doing in a few weeks so will need to build a muzzle up etc.
Ive had a quick look on previously asked questions but cant find this particular one..
Thanks in advance
Hi Kat
Store bought RKT are quite soft already and squish down fairly easily from the warmth of the hands. However, if you want to make them slightly more malleable, warm them in the microwave on a low temp for a couple of seconds depending on how powerful your microwave is. Just be careful not to burn them.