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Hi all I have a wedding cake to do with lots of different leafs I’ve looked at getting this set but do you have any advice on how I go about getting the vainers for all the different ones or is there just one I could use for all please any advice on how you would do it please, would be great thanks x
Hi all I have a wedding cake to do with lots of different leafs I’ve looked at getting this set but do you have any advice on how I go about getting the vainers for all the different ones or is there just one I could use for all please any advice on how you would do it please, would be great thanks x
Do you know the types of leaves you’ll be using and do you think those veiners will be useful to you in future projects? I use a universal veiner, some of my plunger leaf cutters come in useful and also have a couple of specialised ones.
Leaves can be cut out free hand and veins drawn on with the PME veing tool. The are loads of money saving ideas online, just google ‘how to make fondant leaves without silicone veiners’. However, it is really up to you if you like that set. x
HI miwl
erm no not really just a nice selection of leafs. what universal one do you have please x
I’ve had mine for a very long time and bought directly from Sunflower Sugar art. Its this one: