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asked November 2nd 2014

Victoria Cake


Does anybody have a recipe for a 5inch round an all in one victoria cake recipe please? I normally use the Good Housekeeping recipe for all in one victoria sandwich cake using two 8inch sandwich tins but don’t know what quantity I’d need for 5inch sandwich tins. Also I’d like to achieve a 4-5inch tall top tier for a wedding cake so does anyone have an idea how many cakes I’d need please? know it’s adviseable to bake the batter ASAP once it’s ready to go into the tin but I want to avoid having to buy more than say two sandwich tins as I probably wouldn’t use them again for that size of cake. I do have a deep 5inch cake tin and an ordinary depth 5inch tin but would baking a sandwich cake in such tins actually work? Any help would be great. Thanks x



Does anybody have a recipe for a 5inch round an all in one victoria cake recipe please? I normally use the Good Housekeeping recipe for all in one victoria sandwich cake using two 8inch sandwich tins but don’t know what quantity I’d need for 5inch sandwich tins. Also I’d like to achieve a 4-5inch tall top tier for a wedding cake so does anyone have an idea how many cakes I’d need please? know it’s adviseable to bake the batter ASAP once it’s ready to go into the tin but I want to avoid having to buy more than say two sandwich tins as I probably wouldn’t use them again for that size of cake. I do have a deep 5inch cake tin and an ordinary depth 5inch tin but would baking a sandwich cake in such tins actually work? Any help would be great. Thanks x



I’m not to sure about measurements but the tins you’ve mentioned would work fine. I only have one tin in each size so I make my batter in 2 batches to make to layers. For a 6inch round I use a 3 egg recipe and just make it twice rather than buy 2 tins in each size.

Hope that helped in some way 🙂


Hi bellescake

Recipes can be scaled up here http://www.cakeflix.com/blog/how-to-work-out-what-size-cake-tin-to-use
For your conversion use the cakeometre, just click on the red link and it will take you to it. Fill in your ingredients in the form they provide for you existing recipe, size, shape and height of tins, do the same again in the form below listing ingredients for new recipe, size, shape and height of tins and it will work out the recipe for you. Divide your mix between your new tins. If you want to make one deep cake follow the same proceedure and give the dimensions of the deep tin for the new recipe. Hope you follow what I mean.


HI madeitwith lovel and also Srcakedelicious

MAny thanks for your help. I will take a look at the cakometer and take it fromt here. x


Hi again madeitwithlove

I have just tried 3 times to get the new quantities on the cakeometer and I get to the bottom part where I have to fill in the details of the new tin size and depth then the rest of the page is hidden from sight therefore if the calculation was done, which seems unlikely, I was unable to see it. Any suggestions please?



Hi bellscakes

Sorry for this late reply. I’ve just tested out the cakeometre and it works fine with me. Did you fill in the shape, size and depth in both the existing and the new recipe sections? I just entered ficticious amounts and it worked first time. Try it again and if it still doesn’t work link me to the recipe you use and I’ll do it for you.

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