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asked September 24th 2015

Video Problem


I have been trying to watch the Fire Engine tutorial and it keeps cutting out every few seconds. Is there a technical hitch? Thanks x



I have been trying to watch the Fire Engine tutorial and it keeps cutting out every few seconds. Is there a technical hitch? Thanks x


Hi bellscakes

I’m not able to view the video to see whether it is working. It may be better if you use the help tab and ask for support from the technical team. X


Hi madeitwithlove
Thanks for the reply. Which tab do I use please? Thanks x


Hi bellscakes

I’m home now and able to view the video. It’s playing fine here for me in firefox. It’s possible that you have a slow connection. Take a look at the technical support instructions here:

There are instructions on how to check your internet speed and a further link to contact the support team if all suggestions fail.
If you want to use the help tab it is situated to the right of the page, it says ‘?Help’.
I watch these videos on SD which stops all the buffering but please do read the technical help advice. x


ı have green screen. the video Works but there is no view


Hi ozlen

I am able to view the tutorial without any problems here. My first suggestion would be to log out and log back in and try the tutorial again. If you are a new member signed up to premium or pro membership, the information in the following link may also be relevant to you:
If you still have no picture please follow the technical advice and further contacts given in this link:

Please let me if the above has helped.

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