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watch cake and cake size
In the watch cake tutorial, Paul uses an 8 inch cake on a 12 inch dummy. Would it be better to just start off with a 12 inch cake to then carve? as the cake is too small. It says 8 inch cake in the ingredients list.
In the watch cake tutorial, Paul uses an 8 inch cake on a 12 inch dummy. Would it be better to just start off with a 12 inch cake to then carve? as the cake is too small. It says 8 inch cake in the ingredients list.
Hello Tomandhen123
Paul does say in the first lesson that you could just bake a deep 12″ cake and carve it down. He was going to that and use rice krispie treats to give the the cake a little height but he decided on the cake instead. So yes, it would be fine to carve down a 12″ cake if you prefer, Paul says so here: