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Weight of the horse head cake
I just watched the horse head cake tutorial. I know Paul used 2 8″ cakes., chocolate ganache and fondant for that cake. Could you tell me the approximate weight of that cake after everything is said and done???
I just watched the horse head cake tutorial. I know Paul used 2 8″ cakes., chocolate ganache and fondant for that cake. Could you tell me the approximate weight of that cake after everything is said and done???
Hi Mercy
As an approximate guide for the cakes alone, add up all the ingredients and deduct approx 10 – 15% for loss of water during baking. Add to that figure, all the weight of the ganache, sugarpaste and any internal supports, boards and cards. This will give a approx guide for the finished cake. Hope this helps 🙂
Thanks for your immediate response. Appreciate it 🙂
You’re welcome Mercy. If you go ahead and bake the cakes, weigh them once cooled to give an accurate baked weight.