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asked January 22nd 2014

What is double cream? and What is its US equivalent?

Today I tried making chocolate ganache and my lawd it was the nastiest and ugliest thing I have ever made. After reading over some of the questions here in Q&A I know my first problem was the cocoa percentage. I used what I had on hand which was 100% cocoa. Big mistake! The other problem I am having is trying to get it to look like ganache and not dog poop. Paul’s recipe calls for double cream. I have never heard of double cream before soooooo I assumed it must be the equivalent to heavy cream here in the United States. I do believe I was wrong in assuming so. So, can someone please tell me what double cream and what the US equivalent may be? Thank you kindly!


Today I tried making chocolate ganache and my lawd it was the nastiest and ugliest thing I have ever made. After reading over some of the questions here in Q&A I know my first problem was the cocoa percentage. I used what I had on hand which was 100% cocoa. Big mistake! The other problem I am having is trying to get it to look like ganache and not dog poop. Paul’s recipe calls for double cream. I have never heard of double cream before soooooo I assumed it must be the equivalent to heavy cream here in the United States. I do believe I was wrong in assuming so. So, can someone please tell me what double cream and what the US equivalent may be? Thank you kindly!


Hi LadyEmvon

If you use a lower % chocolate the results will be much better. I think Paul uses 50% cocoa solids.
This chart http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cream explains the difference in all the creams in different countries.
To help with chocolate and cream quantities, there is a chart here http://www.cakeflix.com/blog/how-to-ganache-cakes-without-gnashing-your-teeth
Hope it helps.


Planet cakes in Australia who started all the ganache cakes say use cream with the highest Fat. Content

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