Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A
Where to Start ?
Hi I am really new to the site and I am a bit lost. Please can someone advise which courses show Paul covering a cake with ganache? I have found the recipe but not a course showing the technique of covering the cake.
Thank you
Hi I am really new to the site and I am a bit lost. Please can someone advise which courses show Paul covering a cake with ganache? I have found the recipe but not a course showing the technique of covering the cake.
Thank you
Hello wackywoodhouse
If you point your cursor to the tab online courses you’ll get a drop down menu, look to the right hand corner and you see ‘getting started’ just click on that and it will take you directly to the free/beginners section. There you will find how to ganache a cake and lots of other useful guides. Welcome to the site and happy baking and decorating!
Welcome to the club!
The free courses are really useful and also give you suppliers and “essential kit” items, and ideas on their use etc. Also how to ganache a cake, and covering in sugarpaste, including different shaped cakes too!
Thank you for your help.