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asked May 7th 2016

Which Ganache best for cupcake swirl?

Could anyone please advise what is the best type of ganache to put on the cupcake for swirling style?
Dark chocolate, white or milk ganache for kids birthday party?
I’m a novice, so I would appreciate if you could share your fail proof recipe please.
Many thanks.


Could anyone please advise what is the best type of ganache to put on the cupcake for swirling style?
Dark chocolate, white or milk ganache for kids birthday party?
I’m a novice, so I would appreciate if you could share your fail proof recipe please.
Many thanks.


Hi Margaretha

For children it is better to use either milk or white ganache. To make fluffy ganche for swirling use 2:1 ratio chocolate to cream. Add had a knob of softened butter to the warm ganache and whisk it for a couple of minutes or less on a medium speed until it thickens. Don’t over whisk because the ganache will become grainy and unpalatable.


Thank you madeitwithlove.
I presume you know what’s the best way of coloring the white ganache?
Thank you again for your speedy response, I’m gonna start practising now.


Thank you madeitwithlove.
I presume you know what’s the best way of coloring the white ganache?
Thank you again for your speedy response, I’m gonna start practising now.


You can use cocoa butter colourings Margaretha, I use Squires Kitchen Cocol colouring or Choctastique from The Cake Decorating Company. I’m no expert with chocolate but I believe the gel colours can cause issues….someone else may know better than me though.

Yvonne x


Use colours for either chocolate or for candy like these:
Please don’t use water based or gel colours as these will make the chocolate seize making it grainy and unworkable. Good luck with your project, however if you need any more information please post again. x

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