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asked November 26th 2012

White pouring chocolate glaze!!

Hi madeitwithlove just wanted to say the chocolate pouring recipe you gave me turned out really good everyone loved it, just wanted to ask you if I was to make white chocolate pouring glaze do I use the white chocolate the same way the way I used the the dark chocolate? And also is the amount gonna be the same too?!!

Thank you..


Hi madeitwithlove just wanted to say the chocolate pouring recipe you gave me turned out really good everyone loved it, just wanted to ask you if I was to make white chocolate pouring glaze do I use the white chocolate the same way the way I used the the dark chocolate? And also is the amount gonna be the same too?!!

Thank you..


Hi Herabegum

It depends which white chocolate you use. If you get Belgium chocolate it will be better because it has about 31% coco, reduce the butter a little. Cheaper white chocolate will work as well but just use about 50g more and reduce the butter slightly. White choc is very greasy (it isn’t really chocolate, just a combination of coco butter, vegetable fats, milk solids, sugar and vanilla). What I tend to do is experiment with say a good chocolate and compare it to a less expensive one. I also just melt it without any butter very gently in a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. Just don’t let the bowl touch the hot water or get any of the steam into the bowl because it will seize or burn the choc. This makes a lovely glaze for coating cupcakes and small fancies. Again don’t touch it otherwise it will loose it’s shine. When the choc begins to melt, give it a little stir to make sure there are no lumps. Don’t mix fast because you will incorporate air into it and cause bubbles which are quite difficult to disperse.


Thank you very much I’ll try that and see how it goes!!


Hi madeitwithlove, can you please give the measurement for he white pouring chocolate glaze recipe because I’m so bad at estimating, thank you ever so much!!


Hi Herabegum

The amount depends on what you need it for. I make 200g good white chocolate grated and 20g butter. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water making sure the bowl does not touch the water other wise your chocolate will burn and caramalise. Add soft butter to the chocolate and stir until combined. Use immediately. This amount I use for an 8″/9″ cake. You can also melt the chocolate with the butter on low heat in the micro wave at 30 second intervals until it’s melted. Give it a gentle stir to make sure there are no lumps then use as normal. First try with half the amount, if you’re happy with the result you can make more. You can add flavour like vanilla or lemon. I very often don’t bother with the butter but if you want a runny pouring consistency it’s better to use it. Feed back would be. x


Thank you very much I’m gonna try that now!

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