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Woodland Wedding cake tutorial
I’m trying to find where I can buy this tutorial. Do I have to subscribe before I can purchase it?
Many thanks Jacquie
I’m trying to find where I can buy this tutorial. Do I have to subscribe before I can purchase it?
Many thanks Jacquie
Hi jacquie33
Paul has done a winter wedding with wood effect and trees. Would it be this one that you mean?
All of these are available in our sale. Contact [email protected] if you have any problems at all.
Hi, thank you for getting back to me and for the suggestions. It was the one that Paul made foxgloves for. I found a mini clip on Youtube and read the messages saying that it was the Woodland Wedding cake
I seem to remember the cake itself was a commission and not available as a tutorial. Paul made some of the flowers from it for us to enjoy and learn from.