Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked June 8th 2014


Hi, can anyone recommend really good alphabet stamps or cutter suitable to use on a cupcake so I can write a name? I have got the funky letters for larger cakes and don’t get on with clixstix, but have seen words on cupcakes that obviously haven’t been hand piped – help!! Thanks


Hi, can anyone recommend really good alphabet stamps or cutter suitable to use on a cupcake so I can write a name? I have got the funky letters for larger cakes and don’t get on with clixstix, but have seen words on cupcakes that obviously haven’t been hand piped – help!! Thanks


Hello annescakes1

If you go to google images and search mini alphabet and number embossers you’ll see loads to choose from.
Just click on the images and visit the sites which are advertising them. Some of the sites are stores where these embossers can be purchased. I bought embossers in Hobbycraft.

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