Laura Dodimead (GB)

Expertise: Novelty
Tutoring on CakeFlix: 2015
Tutorials: 2

Laura Dodimead of Cakey Bakes Cakes started her business from her little flat in Farnham. After many compliments and encouragement from family and friends on her first attempt of a ladybird birthday cake for her eldest daughter’s 1st birthday bug party, she decided to test the water and applied for a local stall and approached local bakeries to stock her goodies.

From here, things snowballed and today she runs her bespoke cake decorating business, Cakey Bakes Cakes. Her designs are instantly recognisable, with the gorgeously hand-crafted models and playful designs.

Laura's Awards & Certificates

Laura hasn’t entered any cake international competitions but I did enter Kirsty Allsop’s handmade Christmas cake decorated competition. It was aired on channel 4 and she won for 2015. She is hoping to be invited back this year to try and retain her title. It’s an intense 4 hours of solid work, against 3 other competitors and a great experience .

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