Cake Royalty: Meet Dot Klerck

The list of cake designers we admire is (almost!) endless. To pay homage to their incredible talents, we bring you our Cake Royalty series.

This week in Cake Royalty, we’re pleased to meet the wonderful Dot Klerck of fame. Find out what inspires Dot and what advice she has to pass on…

Hi Dot! Lovely to meet you, can you tell us a wee bit about yourself?

I’m a wife to an awesome husband, a super extreme cake engineer, and a mom to four super-cool kids aged 18, 15, 12 and 9! I’m teetering on the edge of 40 and enjoying the feeling! I love the outdoors and run in the mountains every day with my energetic wire-haired fox terrier (my 5th baby). You can also find me on a mountain bike or with my nose in a book! I was a complete tom-boy when I was younger, and avoided the kitchen at all costs while growing up. That is, until I landed in Germany right out of school and worked alongside a Jewish momma and a few Italian chefs – I was hooked! I first mastered artisan bread before getting into cake, and the sticky sugar world continues to inspire me!

You’re one busy lady! So, how long have you been decorating cakes?

I’ve been decorating cakes for 18 years now.

How did you get started cake decorating?

I started cake decorating for my eldest son’s birthday. With four kids, I got lots of practice! I was soon making for friends and family.


What design are you most proud of?

I think the cake I’m most proud of is the life-sized rhino cake I made earlier this year. Its engineering, and sheer size and weight, was very challenging. It was all cake! Working with a small team was so special, and when we needed a special forklift to move the cake, just seeing how the community came together in support was amazing.

What inspires you?

I’m always inspired by movement and God’s creation all around. The detail blows my mind!

As a cake decorator – what tool can’t you live without?

I have a JEM Dresden tool I cannot live without.

Good tip! Who are your cake heroes?

I’m a huge admirer of Mike McCarey and Karen Portaleo, primarily because they produce such a high level of cake decorating everyday as they continue to produce for clients.

If you could eat only one cake for the rest of your life – what cake would it be?

Date cake

Home studio or cake shop?

Home studio

Buttercream or ganache?


Novelty cakes or wedding cakes?


What advice would you give to a cake decorator just starting out?

Don’t make your customers pay for your education, go do some classes.

Great advice. May we suggest some of our own attended classes. Anyway, back to you, Dot. What has been your proudest achievement within the industry?

My proudest achievement was when I was nominated for the Cake Master’s Award for the Best Show Piece.

What’s the best song to decorate to?

Locnville – Cold Shoulder

A solid choice. Thank you for your time, Dot, you’ve been inspirational 🙂

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