Highlights from Ben Cullen’s Pudsey Bear for Children in Need.
1. The Structure
Having an internal structure can be vital for supporting your cake, especially if the cake is going to have an unusual shape. In this lesson Ben will show you how to make your internal structure and exactly what you will need.
2. Stack & Carve
In this lesson Ben will show you how to carve and ganache your cake to fit the internal structure to achieve the desired outcome.
3. Arms, Legs & Fur
Ben uses rice krispie treats mixed with melted marshmallow to form the arms and legs oh his Pudsey in preparation for covering the cake with some yellow sugarpaste.
4. Airbrush & Detail
Ben’s Pudsey is really coming together now. In this packed lesson you will learn how to airbrush for effective shadowing, add Pudsey’s facial features and add the iconic eye patch.
5. Lesson 5 part 1 - Choose Decoration
In the first part of this lesson Ben gives his Pudsey an artistic flare by drawing on a tattoo, then shows you his technique for making an quick and easy bow tie.
6. Lesson 5 part 2 - Finishing Touches
In the final lesson Ben finishes off by making the shorts then adds some finishing touches to add extra character to his Pudsey Bear.
7. Pudsey by Ben Cullen - Bite Sized
Watch Ben make this amazing Tattooed Pudsey Bear cake in just 1 minute!
Pudsey Bear Cake Tutorial by Ben Cullen
Learn how to make this punk rocking Pudsey Bear by the BakeKing Ben Cullen.
CakeFlix are delighted to have teamed up with BBC Children in Need to create a huge online Pudsey Bear cakes collaboration.
Paul Bradford and Ben Cullen, aka the BakeKing, have created FREE to view Pudsey Bear tutorials to help you create your entry. Follow the link below for details on how to submit your entry.
Pudsey Bear Online Collaboration 2019
In the following tutorial, you will learn how to:
- Make an internal structure
- Stack and carve a basic shape
- Airbrush
- Make clothing with sugarpaste
- And much, much more
Don’t forget to share your interpretations of this wonderful cake with Paul and the rest of the CakeFlix community on our Facebook group.
View hundreds of more world-class tutorials only at www.cakeflix.com.

Ben Cullen
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How do I use this template? Is there a download? If you could let me know that would be great.
There is also no list of tools and ingredients that I can see. Is it possible to add them? Thanks
Hi, Ben created the Pudsey bear as a free demo for an online collaboration. Unfortunately we have no leverage to chase for these details. CakeFlix produced tutorials all have templates, tools and ingredient lists etc. and are part of the CakeFlix membership. Sorry, about that.
I have a premium membership and I don’t have access to the tools and ingredients or a downloadable template.
Hi Lelitzik.
Ben created this as a free tutorial as part of the Pudsey charity collaboration.
All the CakeFlix feature tutorials have the tools & ingredients, plus templates to help members recreate the designs. However, donated demos don’t often have the same adds ons to the CakeFlix commissioned courses.
We are in the process of migrating all Caking all Over the World and demo style videos over to http://www.CakeFlix.TV, which will make it clearer as to what’s a CakeFlix commissioned tutorial and those that have been donated.
So sorry that we don’t have the add ons for Ben’s demo.
Kind regards, David