Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked December 1st 2022

CakeFlixMaster – How long to complete the course?

CakeFlixMaster – How long to complete the course?

How long have I got to complete the cakemaster course.Is it one year or a year and a half. Had to look after mum for a while but now I’m ready for module 4 cake muffins and cake pops!!!!!! Thankyou David Williams.


CakeFlixMaster – How long to complete the course?

How long have I got to complete the cakemaster course.Is it one year or a year and a half. Had to look after mum for a while but now I’m ready for module 4 cake muffins and cake pops!!!!!! Thankyou David Williams.


Hi David

I believe it is 2 years from purchase. However, please read up in the following link for terms:

CakeFlix Master FAQs

Hope your Mum is doing well. Look after yourself too ? X

If you are at all still unsure, please contact david@cakeflix. com


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