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asked September 4th 2021

Clumping/Crumbly Fruit Cake

Plan to try baking this again. However, would appreciate any thoughts into what caused the fruits to clump. The cake does not cut well. Thanks for your help.


Plan to try baking this again. However, would appreciate any thoughts into what caused the fruits to clump. The cake does not cut well. Thanks for your help.


Hi CinTaMaNis

From your description, it sounds like perhaps the mixture was a little on the dry side. or maybe the fruit hadn’t been soaked long enough to plump it up. Before baking your next cake, please take a peek at the following answers as they may help:

Soaking fruit

soaking fruit

Soaked Fruit

fruit cake struggles

There are many other answers referencing fruit cake. To see them, just search in the search box ‘fruit cake’ and scroll through to see appropriate topics. Hope your next bake is more moist, good luck 🙂


Thank you, madeitwithlove. I shall take note of your recommendations. Cheers


Hi I have a problem maybe you can help me out, can I bake a fruit cake that will be used in a week


Hi marthamlongo4

Yes, that is perfectly possible. The boil and bake method will produce a lovely moist cake.

Place all the fruit, sugar and butter in a saucepan and bring it to the boil with any alcohol or juice.

Cool and drain the fruit, add eggs and dry ingredients, spices. Throughly mix and bake. Don’t throw away any drained juices. Use it to feed the cake as soon as it comes out of the oven.

Cover the hot cake with a tea towel and allow it to cool in the baking tin. Once cool, wrap the cake in parchment paper, cling film and foil. Store in an airtight tin until required for covering.

There are plenty of recipes online for boil and bake fruit cakes. ?

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