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asked March 20th 2016

Eggless Stacked Sponge Cake Recipe


Do you have a tried and tested recipe for an Eggless sponge cake that:
1. Tastes nice and light; thus leaving no after taste.
2. That can be sugarpasted and stacked.

I have tried searching for books but still not sure.



Do you have a tried and tested recipe for an Eggless sponge cake that:
1. Tastes nice and light; thus leaving no after taste.
2. That can be sugarpasted and stacked.

I have tried searching for books but still not sure.


Hi Sky Cakes

There is the egg free recipe which I put up in the blog section ages ago. The recipe does have a slight soapy after taste of baking soda which I think could be eliminated by reducing it down to half a teaspoon. Unfortunately eggfree recipes need a lot of aeration to raise the batter. Have a look at the blog and tell me whether it may be a suitable recipe. Get back to me and perhaps we could adapt it further. Find it here:

How to Make an Egg Free Cake + Vanilla Extract

The cake itself is lovely and moist and as long as it was paired with similar weight cakes or used as a top tier I can’t see why it can’t be stacked.

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