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how do i make flour paste for tyres on vintage car
i am making the vintage car cake and wondered how to make the flour paste for the tyres as the video doesnt actually tell you how to make it.
i am making the vintage car cake and wondered how to make the flour paste for the tyres as the video doesnt actually tell you how to make it.
Hi JcB1961
If you’d like to make your own flower paste there are some recipes here:
It can also be bought pre coloured like this http://www.squires-shop.com/uk/product/sk-sfp-white-200g
I find for consistency of colour and strength it’s better to buy the pre made. Squire Kitchen is my preferred brand although there are others which can be slightly less expensive. Hope this helps.
Paul is talking about flower paste, which is thickened sugarpaste that keeps its shape and dries faster and harder. You can but it ready made (Sainsbury’s sell their own brand flower/modelling paste) or make your own. If you put ‘flower paste’ in the search box above you will find various questions and answers, which describe the different types of paste and how to make them yourself x