Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked March 1st 2016

how far in advance

hi all
im thinking of having a go at this just for myself/my mum

how in advance could i do this cake please thursday ? cake for sunday
would i keep it in fridge as all buttercream

thanks Angie x


hi all
im thinking of having a go at this just for myself/my mum

how in advance could i do this cake please thursday ? cake for sunday
would i keep it in fridge as all buttercream

thanks Angie x


Hi Angie

Which cake is it? The link just takes me to all the courses.

As long as you have sturdy cake you can make it on Thursday for Sunday. Just give me a bit more detail please. x


Flower Basket

sorry not sure what happened there .

will the cake be ok from thursday to sun and would i keep it in fridge once done x


It’s all buttercream yes?? No sugarpaste in sight??
What’s the sponge? Use some simple syrup for each layer to keep the cake mosit. Unfortunately the fridge can have a drying effect on cake, simple syrup helps to keep it moist. Keep the cake in a cake box and well away from strong smelling foods. Make simple syrup with equal quantities of water/juice and sugar, bring to the boil for 1 minute, cool and brush both sides of each cake layer before filling. This way it will be fine from Thursday to Sunday in the fridge. xx

Edit: Bring the cake to room temperature an hour before serving so the buttercream softens, it will taste yummy. x


ohhhh simple syrup whats this ? never heard of this!! what juice do you use please?

its just going to be either chocolate or Madeira

is this syrup something you can use on all cakes all the time or just ones thats going to be a few days old before eating ? exciting love learning new things thanks x x


Angie, simple syrup can be used with denser cakes like madeira which can be less moist. It’s also used in patissiere to moisten butterless foam cakes which can be dry. It can be made with fruit juice/ juice from canned fruits or with water. If you use sweetened juice reduce the sugar a little but if you make it with water use equal quanitites of sugar and water and boil for a minute. I have chocolate simple syrup in my blog here:

Carry on Ganaching! New Charts and Recipes

The syrup is good on denser cakes and those which are not going to be eaten as soon as they are baked. The sugar acts as preservative as well as adding moisture. More information if you look here:
Scroll down to the threads most relevant to moistening and adding more flavour to cakes. Q & A is a great resource for all sorts of information, it covers so many topics, hints, tips, how to’s and much much, more. Have a browse through the blog section too, you’ll be surprised at what you’ll find! xx


thank you so much i will look into this .

do i have to do anything to the buttercream to make it abit more firmer as the rose petals are just melting into each other ? x
ive just put the pipping bag in the freezer to help harden it a little. but if that works once roses on the cake an the cakes been out the fridge for a hour or 2 wont they just melt into each other then ? x


right been goggling and found out you need so much more icing sugar,yuk, thought it would be to sweet to eat but its not to bad lol and i like sweet things . roses attempt take 2 lol x


I always make buttercream flowers on a rose nail and let them set up first before placing on the cake. It’s less messy. I’m not very good at piping anything directly on cake.


thats what im trying to do…
im not sure what im doing wrong but my buttercream is so sweet an i like sweet, ive just looked at pauls buttercream its 500 butter 1kg iceing which ive just made its still not holding ive even put some trex in like he said ….. its gone bitty again but i mixed on slow trying not to overmix the butter an not to put to much air into it x


Try adding 2 tablespoons of meringue powder/dry egg white powder to your buttercream. Mix it in with the paddle attachment of your mixer and incorporate well. Place it in the fridge to stiffen up for about 20 minutes. Give it a stir before using.
Not so sure about the trex, have never used it in this way.

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