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Massa Ticino v new Renshaw Pro
Hi can anyone tell me how the new Renshaw Pro compares to Massa Ticino. Has anyone tried it? It contains sorbitol which can upset people’s tummy if they are sensitive. Massa contains gum trag so you can stretch it nicely and doesn’t tear with double barrel cakes but it is expensive. I have a wedding cake to do and want it to cover perfectly. I received a free sample of Couture but I felt that would tear on a double barrel cake.
Hi can anyone tell me how the new Renshaw Pro compares to Massa Ticino. Has anyone tried it? It contains sorbitol which can upset people’s tummy if they are sensitive. Massa contains gum trag so you can stretch it nicely and doesn’t tear with double barrel cakes but it is expensive. I have a wedding cake to do and want it to cover perfectly. I received a free sample of Couture but I felt that would tear on a double barrel cake.
Hi gucci906
Personally no longer use any of the Renshaw range. However, you may find the following information from Cake Stuff interesting as it does point out the finer difference details:
I use Massa ticino ivory in preference to white which I find to be sticker. Paul has used the Couture paste in this weeks tutorial ( dragon reveal). He seems to like it and compares it well with Massa although it takes a bit of kneading. General community opinions also compare it as an equal to Massa.
I know what a nightmare the wrong paste can be. As for the sorbitol sweetner in the Renshaws, yes it can have a laxative effect on some people if eaten in large quantities.
Why not contact CakeStuff and ask for a Couture sample? It’ll put your mind at ease if you get a feel of the paste.
Is massa ivory very yellow? It looks it in their shade chart
To me it’s more creamy than yellow. For professional opinion take a peek here: