Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked March 22nd 2017

Memory Lane Rose

I love the Memory Lane Rose shown with the veiners on the Sugar Flower Artistry page.
Is there a tutorial for this rose anywhere?


I love the Memory Lane Rose shown with the veiners on the Sugar Flower Artistry page.
Is there a tutorial for this rose anywhere?


Hi beverlybrownwmi

Unfortunately, no, this rose has not been made into a tutorial on PBSS. However, Paul has a beauitiful rose tutorial on his Cheveron silver leaf cake whch could possibly be adapted. Have a look and see what you think:

Chevron Silver Leaf Wedding

It’s a really gorgeous tutorial with many techniques. Robert Haynes may have a tutorial which he teaches. All his contact details areon his page. Paul and David are very receptive to tutorial requests, you might get lucky! Contact [email protected] and ask, nothing ventured nothing gained 🙂 Good luck

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