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modelling chocolate recipes
i have watched the tutorials with Paul using modelling chocolate which he has bought. I have been looking at videos of making your own modelling chocolate and it seems simple and straightforward. Please could we have a PBSS tutorial on making it and using it – a bit like the ganache tutorials?
i have watched the tutorials with Paul using modelling chocolate which he has bought. I have been looking at videos of making your own modelling chocolate and it seems simple and straightforward. Please could we have a PBSS tutorial on making it and using it – a bit like the ganache tutorials?
Hi TaraCandy
I make my own modelling chocolate and find it straightforward process. Recipes are all much of a muchness with small variations to take into account type of chocolate being used and enviromental conditions.
For consistency and taste I find ready prepared paste best for extensive work like in the wrap cake tutorials. I know it is expensive but worth it for that something special. I use and advocate, Squire’s Kitchen modelling paste same as Paul.
If you’d like to have a go at making your own paste have a peek at these excellent and exciting site:
Here you’ll find everything from the types of chocolate to use for the different applications, how to use it and how to problem solve.
Hope this helps.
Hi Made it with love,
thank you so much for this helpful advice, i shall have a look at the sites.
You’re welcome CandyTara. It really is worth buying in for special cakes but definitely making your own is great for making models and using half and half with sugarpaste for covering cakes. I’ll probably get round to putting a blog on making modelling chocolate. If you need help at all with ganache please see my blog and charts for different quantities here:
If you need further help or information please post again. x
Where can I find the ” carry on ganache get “? It would be good to know what measurements Paul uses! Thanks.
Hi Heyho
The charts are in my blog here: https://www.cakeflix.com/carry-on-ganaching-new-charts-and-recipes
However, all the data has now been made into a very useful on site calculator. It can be seen along with other ingredient calculators here: https://www.cakeflix.com/cake-calculators-to-make-your-life-easier
The calculators are very easy to use but if you need help or more information please post again.