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asked March 19th 2017

Spitfire cake recipe

Hey! Does anyone know the recipe of the cake basement of the Spitfire cake? I´m from Germany and I didn´t understand it in the video which kind of cake he used if he said this :(. So I´d be really happy if anybody could tell me the recipe :D!


Hey! Does anyone know the recipe of the cake basement of the Spitfire cake? I´m from Germany and I didn´t understand it in the video which kind of cake he used if he said this :(. So I´d be really happy if anybody could tell me the recipe :D!


Hello Lyby7

The cake used in the spitfire tutorial was supplied by the customer so there is no recipe available for it. However, Paul does have his own moist chocolate cake recipe in the free section or you can use any mud cake recipe of your preference. Paul’s recipe will also go into one 10″ square tin. For best results, carve the cake from very well chilled or partially frozen. Recipe is here:

Paul’s Firm and Moist Chocolate Cake Recipe

In the past Paul has also used Puratos chocolate cake mix for his tutorial cakes. Google Puratos to see suppliers. Please post again if you need more information.

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