Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked March 6th 2017

Sugar shoes

I’ve watched Paul’s Steampunk show tutorial a couple of ti
Es now but I seem to be missing what type of paste he uses to make the shoe .Can you help please ?


I’ve watched Paul’s Steampunk show tutorial a couple of ti
Es now but I seem to be missing what type of paste he uses to make the shoe .Can you help please ?


Hi Woodysmum

The majority of the time Paul uses Squires’s Kitchen flowerpaste. If you look at the second shelf behind his left shoulder, you’ll see packets and packets of it! However, if you have a preferred brand, there is no reason why you can’t use it. Paul is using Maricia Brown’s moulds, she recommends using her own paste. Really it is up to you. I use Squire’s kitchen, it has never let me down. Today there are so many different brands, more so than when that tutorial was made. I’ve given up trying to remember them all and stick what works best for me. Give plenty of time for drying, at least a week or more for the heel and sole. Hope all goes well.


How much would you charge for the peppa pig cake please, Im never too sure how much I should charge.
Thank you



Hi Hazel

How much you charge depends on your own skills, where you live and whether you are in business. To learn about pricing, please take a look at some excellent advice given by David in his blog here:

Confidence in Pricing Cakes

When you’ve finished reading it, scroll down to the bottom of the page (teddy picture) and read the part that says ‘solution’. David also has a free Pro tutorial on pricing which is definitely worth looking at.

Pricing Your Cakes | Free Pro Mini Lesson

Taking everything into account, it is also good to see what other people in your area are charging. If your work is good, don’t under sell your skill. You wouldn’t want a reputation for being ‘the cheap cake lady’.
Hope the pricing blogs helps and good luck! 🙂

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