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Buttercream with added meringue powder
I was reading one of the older posts about adding meringue powder to buttercream to give it more structure, would this work as well as adding the ganache, just wondering if you had ever done this, it would be a less expensive option , but would like an opinion first.
Thank you,
I was reading one of the older posts about adding meringue powder to buttercream to give it more structure, would this work as well as adding the ganache, just wondering if you had ever done this, it would be a less expensive option , but would like an opinion first.
Thank you,
Hi Nicky
Only a small amount of ganache is required to stabalise buttercream as seen in Paul’s tutorial. Take a peek at my blog on buttercream and see the amount of ganache required to stabalise it. Blog is here:
You’ll see the charts in the PDF, scroll to the bottom of the chart for suggested amount.
Meringue powder does work but like anything else, you would need to experiment to gauge what suits you best
Hope this helps.
Thank you, I will try the meringue powder to see how it works, I have used the white chocolate ganache, with good results, but wanted to try something different.