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asked February 15th 2016

Ganached cake

Hi do you have to keep a ganached cake in the fridge


Hi do you have to keep a ganached cake in the fridge


Hello Hannahsue12

If you’re decorating the cake over two or three days it will be wiser to keep it in the fridge in a box or in a very cool room. Could you give me a little more detail please?


Hi madeitwithlove I replied using the email link not sure if that was right but I will repeat my answer here.
I haven’t used ganache before and I have very limited fridge space so I was wondering if once you ganache a cake will it be ok to store it in a cool place before and after applying sugarpaste and if so how long before it has to be eaten? Hope this makes sense.


As long as you have a good sturdy cake and a low perishable filling eg ganache, buttercream, the cake will be fine in a cool room. Shelf life of any cake is very much dependent of handling and preparation. As a guide from baking to eating about five days to stay on the safe side. Take a peek at my blog here:

Front Page

Ganache is very widely discussed on the site. Take a peek here and click on threads relevant to you:

Post again if you’re still not sure about anything 🙂


Thank you for your help I’m looking forward to trying ganache also going to try Paul chocolate cake recipe can’t wait!


If you are going to try Paul’s moist chocolate cake recipe, it will really help you to read through all the comments in this thread: http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/pauls-moist-chocolate-cake-my-feed-back

Some members did find the recipe challenging to begin with. If you read through the thread you’ll see member feed back, hints and tips on how to produce a successful bake. Other links you may find useful as follows:

Carry on Ganaching! New Charts and Recipes

What Size cake tin to use

Take your time when making ganache. If it breaks and becomes oily have a peek at the threads here:

Happy baking and ganaching! 🙂


Thank you for the links will check them out before I have a go.


Hi madeitwithlove I’ve just been reading the link what size tin to use. The original recipe says to cook for 2 hours how do I work out how long to cook a much smaller cake. Sorry for so many questions but want to get it right.


As a first time bake you’ll need to keep your eye and nose on the cake. All ovens vary so it would be impossible to give you an accurate timing. I bake the 8″ for 2 hours in my oven 130c fan. Write your own time down for future reference.
Don’t worry about asking questions, that’s what Q & A is for. If you have time, take a peek at this blog which discusses some aspects of timing:

Baking Problems and Solutions by madeitwithlove

Feed back would be great! It all goes toward helping one another.


Hi thank you I will let you know how I get on.

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