Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A
I have just joined your course but the free one
You should us how to do the chocolate cake for free is that the only one we get free to watch
You should us how to do the chocolate cake for free is that the only one we get free to watch
I have just joined your site is it the only free cake we get is the chocolate one no other vanilla cakes
Hello Mc02caZ40
Welcome to the site, hope you are enjoying all the free tutorials. Paul’s moist chocolate cake recipe is free but not the vanilla cake recipe or any of the other cake recipes in the premium membership library.
There is another free chocolate cake recipe in the blog section and also an eggless vanilla sponge recipe.
The blog section is free and full of resources which may be of interest to you.
Guest tutor Mrs Jones has a lovely no bake chocolate biscuit cake recipe on youtube which you can see here:
Enjoy browsing! It’s addictive.