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CakeFlix Master Launch

…each module. Those who complete the full CakeFlix Master Foundation programme will also receive a certificate in the post, which is included in the price. All learning is online via…

How to price icing?

Hello how to I work out the price for icing on tiered wedding cakes prior to the job

Vintage Car Cake Price

Any ideas on decorating time and rough price guide for this cake? I have an order for one with similar amount of detail. Thanks…

9″ cake price

Hi what do you think the approximate price for a 9″ make up cake. This is my first time I make a cake for money. So, just what can I…

How to store white ganache made ahead

…so if I get it terribly wrong I can revert to white chocolate buttercream! How should I store the ganache, would it be ok in the fridge overnight ? If…

How to store different fillings

Hi … I have been wondering how to store a cake with a french/German style filling (egg, milk, icing sugar, flour and butter) that has been covered in fondant? I…

Cake supply store in Paris

Hi everyone! Does anyone know where I can find a baking supply store in Paris with material that I can use for wedding cakes (all the elegant styles) and for…

Store a cake

I am making my daughters wedding cake and would like some advise on how to store the cake after it has been iced with fondant. I live in the tropical…