
Paul Bradford Courses in Scotland

After a fantastic time in Spain, Paul and David are returning to where the Sugarcraft School first began back in 2008, Linlithgow, Central Scotland. They have much enjoyed their...
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Vintage Car

Join us and learn how to create this amazing Vintage Car design in person. The skills learned in this course can be easily adapted to any type of convertible and saloon...
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Teaching Cake Decorating

Teaching cake decorating is one of the most rewarding things you can do. Paul just loves teaching and seeing the changes from nervous students at the start of the day to the...
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Confidence in Pricing Cakes

I’ve met so many very confident people, often professionals at the top of their game, but yet they have no confidence when it comes to charging a profitable price for their...
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A Rustic Peach Frangipane by madeitwithlove

The other day I came home with a whole box of 30 ripe peaches for just £1.00. Since I keep kilos of ground almond for different recipes, I used some of the peaches to make peach...
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Does the Quality of Your Ingredients Matter?

Paul Bradford Sugarcraft School member Amy Johnson recently emailed us sharing some of her finds regarding the Moist Chocolate Cake Recipe and how better quality ingredients can...
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Exciting Cake Decorating Teaching Opportunity

Teaching cake decorating is one of the most rewarding things you can do. Paul just loves teaching and seeing the changes from nervous students at the start of the day to the...
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Mrs Jones’ Highly Commended Vanilla Sponge

Mrs Jones: Passion in the Baking has been highly commended for her famous Vanilla Sponge cake. Our resident baker received the prestigious the award from Mich Turner MBE at the...
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Competition Winner Spends a Day With Paul

In November 2013 Sarah Cobb plucked up the courage to enter her first cake competition and was completely blown away when she...
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An Interview with Mayen Orido of Way Beyond Cakes

Prior to the release of the fantastic Rocket Cake course by Mayen Orido of Way Beyond Cakes, Paul has a little chat with Mayen about her Rocket cake course, history with cake...
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An Interview with Rudy Martinez of Man Bakes Cake

In this blog post Paul talks on camera to Rudy Martinez of Man Bakes Cake about his background in cake decorating, future projects and...
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#cakesharingfriday – Footwear

In keeping with our recently released Football Boots Cake course we decided to base the recent #cakesharingfriday sharing activity on ‘Footwear’ All of your cakes were...
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